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Meet the man behind Fifth Element Carpentry


Hi, I’m Tyler Pickett.

I’ve been bringing woodworking projects to life since the second grade, when I made a night stand that I still use to this day—and discovered my own fifth element, a love for woodworking.

I’ve worked in construction for over 20 years. I’ve built all parts of a home from one-of-a-kind wooden windows to custom kitchens, and everything in between.

I studied industrial design at Portland Art Institute to satisfy my curiosity about how humans interact with the objects around them, particularly old, unique, and bizarre objects. 

I love learning the story behind every project I take on, and getting to know my clients is an extremely important part of my business and process. 


How I work

I believe that heartless, profit-first carpentry and construction are a great evil, and everything about my customer-first business approach has been informed by that belief.

If you choose to work with me and my team, I’ll personally be on-hand throughout the project. This is not a subcontract-and-bolt kind of business.

Unlike most carpentry businesses, I only take on one client project at any given time. This ensures that you and your dream get my full attention—so you have nothing to worry about. 

Want to talk about a project? Book a free, no-commitment call with me so we can get started bringing your project to life.

the Team




Hey y’all. I’ve been building houses for over 30 years, the last 14 of which have been in Portland.




Hi, I’m Hy. Most my life has been down some old dirt road.

As a kid, I was always a tinkerer, taking things apart to see how they worked, fascinated by fasteners, intrigued by the unseen. I would pull the little motor out of any toy that moved and touch the bare wires to a battery to watch it spin the tiny plastic gears.

I have always been building things, growing up off the grid where creativity and necessity combine into a resourceful aptitude.

I read books by kerosene light, and, even more challenging, did math homework with a graphing calculator by kerosene light.

I studied poetry in Missoula Montana, and the natural world in the backwoods of the Kootenai National Forest.

I’ve harvested timber, pulled carrots, told stories, built homes, built tables, and built community. 

Every project starts with an idea, a kernel, and I am inspired by the way those ideas develop into the stories of their unfolding.


Noah Barnes


I grew up in Redding, California. I moved to Portland to pursue my lifelong dream of raising property value and overall rent prices. With my extensive obsession of the avocado; I've swindled away my life savings and any hopes of buying a house. If I'm on your job you can expect to hear my native tongue speak Old Californian with phrases such as "Hella", "Sick", "Tubular", "Grass" or "Is this cruelty free?". 




If I don’t know the answer, I will find out and let you know.

The things that make me who I am; I am a Master Recycler in Clackamas County, a Medical Interpreter, and volunteer for local wildland rescue.